Your Valencia
Indian Summer in Valencia: Night Market In Benimaclet
A little bit of India is making its way to Valencia. A night market In Benimaclet…
Art In Valencia: Spotlight On Artists… Francesca Ricci
In her series showcasing and spotlighting artists living and working in Valencia, this week Tina McCallan…
Valencia Fallas: A Terrible Beauty Is Born
Writer Claudia Jackson was not always a huge fan of Fallas with petardos and fireworks being…
This Weekend: Don’t Miss the Fallas Market Mercado Artesano in Ruzafa
Fallas Market Mercado Artesano to be held in Ruzafa by local artists. Saturday, September 4th be…
Twisted Firestarters: Town Hall Square To Be Closed For Fallas Bonfires
The “cremà” – main Fallas bonfires – will force the closure of the Town Hall Square…
And Still They Came: The Italian Battalion’s Postwar Influx In Valencia
By the end of World War II, Italians came to Valencia in ever greater numbers, looking…
Dealt A Good Hand Of Cards: What My Tarot Teller Told Me
Sasha Elizabeth Parker views Valencia with jealous eyes from Poland as she tries to head west…
Lockdown Reflections: Yogi, Bare
“what does it mean to love yourself?” she answered, “it means to uncover and release whatever…
Parr For The Course: The Photographer’s Unflinching Eye
A wonderful retrospective of the famous British photographer Martin Parr, bringing together some of his most…
Klimt Goes For Gold In Valencia
ows in Seville and Malaga, the extraordinary immersive experience called Klimt’s Gold – ‘El Oro de…
Las Bodegas: The Hills Are Alive
In the hills above Valencia, Las Bodegas is a temple of fine-dining at affordable prices. Daniel…
The “nicest man in Ruzafa” is to become a father for the first time
Carlito Esparza, famous throughout the hipster and bohemian neighbourhood of Ruzafa, is a well-known figure, partly…
Repsol Recognises Restaurants in the Comunidad Valenciana
The restaurants that have achieved a Repsol Sol are Arrels in Sagunt; Entrevins, La Sastrería y…
Spread The Love: Love Fest Comes To Nazaret In Valencia
Food is not only food, but an experience; that is where Love Fest comes alive. The…
The Incredible Journey – Captured By Valencia’s Cuban Cubist
Paul Sidorov, 64, and wife Viktoriya Kozlova left their native Ukraine in the 1980s under an…