Wednesday Night is Salsa Night with Miky House!

For a fun filled Wednesday night in Valencia, look no further than Cabanyal’s Miky House. The hosts of the evening invite you to enjoy an evening of dance, drink, and new friends. They provide an open bar, professionally led salsa classes, and various house party style games. From 10pm onwards, the house is open to guests who want to participate in the dance class for 10ā‚¬ or less. The multiple rooms in the house all serve different purposes, with a beer pong table, huge jenga, dance studios and more. This means you can join in as much as you want, no pressure to dance more than you feel comfortable.

Miky House dance classes are incredibly led by expert dancers who cater to whichever level you are. Whether you’ve never danced a step in your life or you’ve had advanced training, there is something for everyone. Depending on what you want from the evening, the salsa class itself can last for as long as you want. You can dance only during the lesson itself, or into the early hours of the morning as you practise your moves with friends you’ve made.

mike house class

Alongside the salsa class, there is also the opportunity later to take part in a karaoke session with your friends. The social after party and games are all included in the experience, and really serve to make it a unique night out. Though mainly catering towards younger people, Miky House is open to all ages and is a fun night out regardless.

Signing up is also incredibly easy, just click the link to their WhatsApp, and an automated message will register you. Don’t just envy the Spanish dancers, become them!

Miky House opens their doors Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for salsa, merengue, and bachata classes. Don’t hesitate to check them out for a cheap and exciting night.

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