Want to paint like a master? Come to The Museo de Bellas Artes in Valencia

Want to paint like a master? Come to The Museo de Bellas Artes in Valencia. By Christine Giraud

Want to paint like a master? Come to The Museo de Bellas Artes in Valencia. The Museo de Bellas Artes in Valencia seeks 144 assistants to paint Spanish artist Rosario de Velasco’s “Massacre of the Innocents.” This “Re-creations” project, free and open to the public from May 17-19, under the direction of local artist Tina McCallan, and celebrates International Museum Day, 2024. The project aims to highlight a specific artist and challenge the perception that museums are elitist and inaccessible.

During the “Re-creations”, each participant copies a small square from the masterpiece as closely as possible, because of the different levels of experience, the squares make a beautiful tapestry of dazzling colors and styles. According to McCallan, “The finished painting has the quality of a visual Chinese whisper or a fragmented memory.”

Want to paint like a master?

This method of communal painting comes from 15th-century painting workshops, where Old Masters had assistants who painted parts of the image. The “Re-creations” project breaks down the barrier between artist and audience.

In its tenth year at Museo de Bellas Artes, “Re-creations” transforms the museum into an artists’ studio as participants travel through art history recreating their own version of the masterpiece.
“It’s amazing that during the painting process, strangers become respectful collaborators as people discover their inner artist. A true sense of camaraderie emerges and friendships emerge.” McCallan directs this project at other cultural centres and businesses and finds this bonding universal.

The finished painting is a metaphor for society. Each square is important and goes toward the whole. It will be on displaye at the museum for the whole of June in the cupola. The satisfaction of seeing one’s own work at such an illustrious institution gives you bragging rights.

Museo de Bellas Artes, Valencia

This fun and inclusive program is open to all levels. No experience is necessary. No need to reserve.

Dedicate to a lifetime servant of art

McCallan and the entire “Re-creations” team would like to dedicate this year’s project to Estrella Rodriguez Roncero, Head of Education of the Museo de Bellas Artes. She has tirelessly supported the project and dedicated her life to serving art education in the Museum for more than 30 years. Due to governmental reorganisation, many qualified and experienced museum employees will, sadly, be losing their posts. An upcoming exhibition of all past “Re-creations” was in the planning. McCallan hopes this will still go ahead as she would love to celebrate the past ten years of doing these incredible re-creations with the public.

For more information:

Project website: www.tinamccallan.com

Museum website: museobellasartesvalencia@gva.es

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinamccallanrecreations/

Christine Giraud is a content writer and strategist who focuses on health, art, cannabis, profiles, and other areas. Her website: christinefgiraud.com

Painting schedule:
● Friday, May 17 from 10:30 to 13:00
● Saturday 18 May from 10:30 to 14:00 and 16:30 to 22:30
● Sunday 19 May from 10:00 to 14:00
Admission: Free

Museu de Belles Arts de València; C/ de Sant Pius V, 9, La Saïdia, 46010 València, Valencia; 963 87 03 00

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