Valencia Life Podcast Launched: In Pod We Trust

The ‘Valencia Life’ podcast has now launched. Every fortnight, Eugene Costello and Producer Lily – Lily Chen – will chat about living in Valencia, meeting people who give the extra to improve the fabric of life here in this beautiful city and having some fun along the way…

The Valencia Life podcast has now launched and the pilot episode is available for listening on a wide variety of platforms, including Spotify and Apple. Host by founder and editor of Valencia Life Eugene Costello and Producer Lily chat about what brought them to Valencia.

Valencia Life podcast launches
Beauty and the Beast: Eugene Costello and Producer Lily

We talk about the great leisure opportunities that exist here, from the Jardines del Turia, the flood in 1957 that was the reason for creating the park – “the eighth wonder of the world”, says Eugene Costello – the equally impressive regeneration of what is now the Parque Central and local boy Santiago Calatrava’s iconic City of Arts and Sciences.

We also talk about how Caixa Forum has taken over the Agora, the cigar-shaped, Gherkin-like construction down by Oceanografic. This is another great boon for residents of, and visitors to, our wonderful city.

Unmissable interview with the laureate of Valencia, Jason Webster

Valencia Life podcast launches
The write stuff: A fascinating interview with Jason Webster

In the next episode, uploading on Friday 27 August, Eugene Costello recorded a lengthy interview with Jason Webster, writer of many books, including the Max Cámara detective novels. And these take place in Valencia, when Webster was living in Ruzafa. He entertainingly, fascinatingly recalls life when he was one of very few “expats” living here.

Valencia Life podcast launches
Fit Club: Jonathan Cherry gives us the lowdown

And in Episode 2, I have the great pleasure of chatting to the legend who is Jonathan Cherry about moving to Valencia, what he loves, what he doesn’t and what is his favourite place (and favourite phrase – clue: there is a link between the two). Plus he talks us through how to keep fit in Valencia without breaking the bank. We even managed to squeeze in a Tommy Cooper joke, if that weren’t already enough…

Here is where you can catch the pilot episode:…/valencia-life/id1639494545

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