The pedestrian bridge linking Valencia to the southern towns devastaed in last week’s floods has been renamed El Puente de la Solidaridad (The Solidarity Bridge). Catherine Dolan reports…

The pedestrian bridge linking Valencia to the southern towns devastated in last week’s floods has been renamed. It is now El Puente de la Solidaridad (The Solidarity Bridge).
For the past 10 days the bridge has carried a sea of volunteers. They made the journey on foot to help with the clean-up operation. They were carrying cleaning supplies, food, water, whatever they could manage.
The change in name for the walkway, which connects Sant Marcel-lí with La Torre, was proposed by the president of the Consell de la Joventut (Youth council), Pablo Bottero. It was approved at Friday’s local government meeting. As Valencia mayor María José Catalá, pointed out, “it has become a symbol for all of us of Valencian solidarity.”
In his petition to the council, Bottero said: “After the devastating DANA that affected our city, this bridge has become a symbol of union and collective effort. Numerous young people have crossed this footbridge to help the communities of Sedaví, Alfafar, Paiporta, Picanya, Albal and Catarroja. They were carrying food, water and tools and collaborating in the clean-up and reconstruction work.”
In his letter he also pointed out that “the designation of this bridge as the ‘Solidarity Bridge’ would not only honour the memory of the victims, but would also highlight the commitment and active participation of young people in the recovery of our city. This gesture would serve as a permanent reminder of the importance of solidarity and intergenerational collaboration.”