Some 130,000 Valencians came out to protest on Saturday evening against the bad management of last week’s catastrophic flooding in 75 municipalities which led to more than 200 deaths. Catherine Dolan reports…

Protestors came from towns and cities across the province to the demonstration – manifestación – in Valencia. There were also demonstrations in Elche, Alicante and Gandia. Most carried placards calling for Carlos Mazón, leader of the Valencia Regional Government, to resign. Mazón dimissió (Mazón, resign) and ni oblit, ni perdó (neither forgotten, nor forgiven), they proclaimed.

The march in Valencia, which started just after 6pm, was organised by Acció Cultural del País València. It was supported by dozens of other civil, social and union organisations.
The event was planned as a silent demonstration in respect of those who have lost their lives. It began in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento and finished at Plaza Manises, opposite the Palau de la Generalitat. Manifestos were read out both at the start and the finish, but for many were too political.
One demonstrator told Valencia Life: “This is not about political parties, this is about people.” Some complained that the protesters were calling for Mazón only to resign: “It’s obvious the system has failed and everybody should be in agreement that we need to demand political responsibility from both governments. Without flags or absurd slogans like today.”
The PP blamed Catalan trouble-makers
As the march was getting underway, the Valencian Popular Party, of which Mazón is the leader, tweeted that the march was a “politicised manifestation” and blamed “Catalan entities” for coming to “cause trouble and collapse the city of Valencia”.

Emotions were running high, riot police were lined up in front of the City Hall building (Ayuntamiento) and according to reports around 30 police officers were injured. One protestor commented: Han encendido la mecha en la tierra de la pólvora. (The fuse has been lit in the land of explosives/gunpowder).