Mayor Gives A Boost To Hospitality And Leisure Sector In Valencia By Suspending ‘Mesas Y Sillas’ Tax

Mayor Joan Ribó has announced that the whole hospitality sector will be exempt from paying the municipal tax known as ‘mesas y sillas’ for the whole of 2021, reports Laura Menendez

Mesas Y Sillas
Mayor Joan Ribó – No Mesas Y Sillas in 2021

The tax effects those establishments that allow outdoor seating in the street. Market sellers will also be exempt from paying street use tax, together with quiosco owners or outside cultural activities. The measure will get the green light in the next Council ‘Hacienda’ Commission meeting. 

These taxes collect €2.6m euros from all outdoor hospitality spaces in the city. Some 350.000 euros come from outside markets and also quioscos, and an extra 40,000 for other outside cultural activities. 

“We are offering an indirect boost of €3m for these economic sectors, among which most are small businesses. These sectors that have taken the biggest hit from this pandemic,” says Ribó. 

The council had already approved this measure at the start of the year, but because the decision has only been taken now, it will continue to be in place for the whole of 2021. These measures, together with other economical aids granted to small businesses, are aimed to keep the job market afloat, says the mayor. 

“It was an agreement between the local council and the opposition in light of rebuilding València; directing financial support to those sectors that have suffered the most,” says Ribó. “We want to give them as big of a profit margin as we can provide.” 

You can find all the latest news in Valencia here.

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