Fire Engine Donated By Valencia To Town In Palestine

Valencia Ayuntamiento Mayor Joan Ribó has petitioned the Israeli government to accept the donation of a fire engine to enter Palestine city Hebrón. Laura Menéndez reports…  

Joan Ribó has today started formal communication with the Israeli government to sign off on a collaboration that will allow the donation of fire engine and other fire-prevention equipment. All the equipment will be donated by the Valencian council to the Palestinian town of Hebrón. The vehicle is currently parked at the central fire station in Avenida de la Plata, waiting for administrative procedures to be completed before its transfer. 

Development and Migration Cooperation staff are in contact with Hebrón local council, looking to allow the fire-engine to reach its final destination. Mayor Ribó said, “We are aware of the heavy load of administrative procedures this donation entails; we have requested the Israeli’s government collaboration to facilitate the procedures that will allow the entrance of the vehicle.” 

Ribó stressed that the Valencian Council approved in 2018 a declaration of institutional aid aiming to maintain solidarity, peace and cooperative links between Valencia and Hebrón’s people. This declaration establishes cooperation and interchange mechanisms between the two towns. Several Hebrón representatives and technicians visited Valencia in October 2019 and exchanged experiences on council management with different departments. 

One of the points of agreement during these sessions was the transfer of a fire truck, which is currently not in service, together with other fire-prevention equipment. NGO Bomberos Pel Món, primarily formed by members of the Council’s firefighter brigade, will be in charge of the transfer. They will also accompany the fire engine to its final destination, providing technical assistance to ensure adequate use once administrative procedures have been completed.

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