Medieval Market Makes A Comeback For Valencia Day

As regulations relax festivities pick up again, and Valencia retakes some of its original colour with the medieval market in celebration of el 9 d’Octubre, Valencia Day. Daniel Hazelhoff reports…

Three rows of stalls stretch between el Puente de las Flores and el Puente de La Exposición. From beer tents to traditional loaves of bread, and homemade jewellery one can enjoy the atmosphere of el 9 d’Octubre. Find it open from 10:30-00:30 until 12 October.  


Almost back to normal, regulations slacken and people get together to visit the traditional medieval market; however, its location has changed. The market used to set its tents up in El Carmen, right behind La Torre de Serrano; now, you can experience a taste of what was, in the river, where the walkways are far vaster, and security measures may be heeded with ease.  Marked by three rows, each makes its own contribution to the market.

Masks are worn, and celebrations are going strong. If one seeks savoury satisfaction there is a plethora of options, especially in the westernmost row of stalls. If approaching from the northern Puente de La Exposición, you can find the inviting aroma of chicken rotisseries and slow-cooked ribs. Walk further down and you will find varied forms of patatas asadas for a necessary carb intake if you’ve been indulging in the beer stalls sprinkled around the market. 


If you desire some sugary snacks, a walk through the central row is recommended, where you can find classic artisanal Spanish sweets, cakes, and candies. If you find yourself overwhelmed by choice, The Valencian recommends the gominolas naturales section. 

In the eastern row, you can find more artisanal goods and handmade jewellery. Although this is the general layout, there is a mix to each row, and each stall displays its own personal trade, so have fun exploring Valencia’s traditional medieval market with friends, family, or by yourself.

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